A Registered Dietitian (RD) is a valuable resource as a companion to help you meet your health and fitness goals. Yes, you’ll talk about food, but that’s just one small part of working with a Registered Dietitian. An RD will also collaborate with you on creating behavior change and establishing healthy, sustainable habits that work with your health history, culture, personal preferences and individual lifestyle.
Being intentional with your food choices is vital to not only prevent chronic disease and create better long-term health outcomes, but good nutrition can also improve energy levels, mood and cognitive function. Here are a few of the reasons why you should work with an RD to get the results you want:
You will have a nutrition professional working closely with you to identify barriers or habits that are no longer serving you or may be holding you back. An RD can help you create new habits, provide direction and suggest new food choices.
You will have a built-in accountability buddy, who will help to hold you responsible and support you as you work toward a new path, break through plateaus or create lifestyle changes. Knowing that you are accountable to someone can help to keep you motivated to sticking to your goals
You will have a trusted resource who will offer realistic, evidence-based recommendations to ensure that your goals are attainable. In addition, an RD will make sure any changes you make are sustainable, which is key to long term success
You will have the emotional support of someone who will help you navigate through challenges like emotional eating, staying on track during the holidays, or traveling. Emotions and food are interconnected; developing new habits and letting old ones go can bring up some hard feelings, consciously or not. Talking things through can help you work through them and keep you on track
Content submitted by Janyce Gately – MS, RD, LDN, CHWC
The majority of health insurance plans cover nutrition counseling, and our Registered Dietitian, Janyce, is contracted with all the major insurance providers. What’s more, most plans don’t require a copay to work with an RD so your visits could possibly cost you nothing.
If you are interested in working with Janyce, reach out to her today at [email protected]. Janyce will check your insurance benefits for you to get the details of your plan.